The 5-5-5-5 Plan for EZosophists
(A daily work plan for keeping your work, life and personal space orderly)
You can do anything five at a time. Start by taking the following steps to make life’s maintenance easier.
Preparation - “Success Thought” Read at the start of your work session.
“My focus and commitment to completion, allow me to easily accomplish my tasks. I believe today can run smoother than I might have imagined. I join the ongoing flow. Every day, it gets a little easier to accomplish my goals.”
1. Clear desk and office. File for 5 minutes. Be aware of your breath. Count from one to five on the inhale and one to five of on the exhale. This keeps the energy moving and prevents overwhelm.
2. Plan for five minutes - write your to do list. Put the list on paper or on your computer.
3. Do daily tasks for five minutes - look at e-mail and make note of what you may want to respond to or read at a later time, pay bills, etc.
4. Pick five items from your to do list that you will accomplish today. Pick the easiest ones first. Of the five, pick the one you are willing to do now. Work at it until it is completed. Stay focused. Keep thinking about your task. When you finish, mark that item off the list. Pick a second item - do it until completion. Do the same process for the remaining three items. If for some reason you cannot complete a task, put it back on the list, for example you need to talk with someone and they are not home. Put the task back on the list and you can choose it again later.
If you complete those five things you can take on another five things to do. The plan is designed to break down your work into doable increments.
Breaks Can Be Taken Between Tasks
You can take breaks. If you take a break, do it between tasks. The object is to stay focused, complete the thing you are working on in the present and remain centered. This process is to help you get things done without getting into overwhelm, chaos or distraction.
Breaks – If you get overwhelmed at any time during the day, take time to center. Sit down and breathe deeply. Ask yourself these questions: How do I feel in my body? How do I feel emotionally? Give your self safety and calm down. Doing more will not make you feel better. Doing no thing will get you back to center and restore you to your innate sanity. The source of your sanity is not based on you, not your past or on your experiences. The source of your sanity is a found in the wellspring of life itself. Sanity is being totally centered in love.
5. Spend five minutes closing down your workday. Look at what you have accomplished. Congratulate yourself. Focus on the following Success Formula to close your work session.
My Work is an Expression
My life is a forum for expressing the best in me. The present is my point of power. Each succeeding moment offers endless possibilities for my creative ingenious expression.
I recognize Now as an opening that is not bound by time or space. As I fully surrender into the Now, I feel a sense of power arise. My actions are no longer the result of needing to earn a living, to earn my space on earth or to become somebody. My actions flow from a sense of knowing who I am.
I do not work for recognition or love. My actions are the notes in life’s music. My work is a creative outlet I use to express my gifts. I am a gifted creator. My work is fun.
I am willing to have an abundance of money, connections, magic and all things necessary to support my physical well-being. Because I know who I am, I can relax and appreciate life. I live in true wealth.